CPU: Macintosh PowerPC with 32 megabytes or more of memory.
System: 8.0 or higher with QuickTime 2.0 or higher.
Minimum Monitor Size: 800 * 600.
Monitor color depth: 32 (16 millions)
IMPORTANT! Virtual memory must be turned off. If you experience erratic behavior, open the Memory control panel and make sure that virtual memory is turned off. It should be noted that some OS upgrades turn this feature on automatically without informing the user.
Memory tip: While ArtMatic can run in a memory partition as small as 12 megabytes up to 30 megabytes will be needed to save pictures at the highest resolution.
Performance note: ArtMatic will run on any Power Macintosh. With a slow processor (less than a 300 Mhz 604 chip) real-time animation and sound will be choppy. G3s and iMacs are ideal computers for ArtMatic.